Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Manifested Strong Arms to Help

The day after I started this blog, I had manifesting on my mind. It was a focus. As I headed to my sister's house to unload some cases of beverages, I realized I had a dilemma.

I couldn't lift these case out of my car. Long story but let's just say I have a funky neck and I can't lift.
I decide to manifest someone offering to bring in the cases.
There were four challenging cases. When I went into my sister's, I unloaded the packages and left the sodas in the car until somebody could help me. My sister did have two visitors with her at the time and in the end, without my asking, the visitors offered to help to carry my cases. I had it in my head that this would happen, I would feel happy and my trunk would be empty. 

"Anything you want you can have. See it in your mind's eye and you can have it all. Anything you want." 

 Make it happen today. 
 Michele Michael

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